Company Culture: How to Create a Workplace Motivates Employees

Company culture is climbing the ranks of business buzzwords, but what does it actually mean? It’s not just about perks like free lunches and gym memberships—it’s about creating a workplace where employees feel valued, motivated, and invested in the success of your company. In this post I’ll explain how to create a healthy company culture that attracts and retains top talent.

What is company culture?

Company culture is the way employees behave and interact at work. It’s more than just the perks you offer, or even your mission statement. Company culture is why people stay at a company, even when it’s obvious that they could find another job with better pay or benefits somewhere else.

In other words, company culture isn’t something that happens by accident; it needs to be carefully cultivated over time through policies and practices that reflect your values as an organization. If you don’t have strong values–or worse yet, if those values conflict with each other–then no amount of money will keep people happy enough so they don’t jump ship at the first sign of trouble!

Why is it important to have a good company culture?

A good company culture leads to a better workplace, which in turn leads to happier employees who are more productive and loyal. Happy and engaged employees are more likely to refer friends and family to your business, and they’ll stay with it longer.

A good company culture also has a ripple effect on your bottom line–you’ll be able to hire better talent at lower costs because people want to work for you (and they won’t leave).

How can you be sure your company culture is healthy?

If you want to know whether your company culture is healthy, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are employees happy? Are they enjoying their work and feeling fulfilled by it? If not, it may be time for some changes.
  • Is there a sense of teamwork in the office? Do people have each other’s backs when needed–or do they keep their heads down and focus on themselves instead? A strong sense of camaraderie can go a long way toward making employees feel valued and respected by their peers as well as management. It also makes them more likely to stick around when difficult situations arise (and they inevitably will).
  • Does everyone feel like they have an equal voice at work–or does just one person make all decisions about hiring new people or changing policies because he or she has more power than everyone else? Good leaders know how important it is for everyone on staff to feel heard by management; if yours doesn’t seem interested in hearing from anyone but himself/herself/themselves, then chances are good that things aren’t going so well with regard to culture either!

Are you interested in maintaining an open, honest environment where employees feel comfortable bringing up concerns?

It’s important to create an environment where employees feel comfortable approaching management with their concerns. If you want to maintain an open, honest culture in your company and avoid problems in the future, it’s imperative that every employee has access to management without fear of being reprimanded or punished for doing so.

Open communication is also essential because it helps ensure that everyone knows what is going on at all times–from day-to-day tasks like completing projects on time, up through larger issues like changes in direction or financial goals. This kind of transparency will help ensure that you’re always making decisions based on sound information rather than assumptions or rumors; plus it allows everyone involved with making those decisions (including employees) lots of opportunities for input into what goes into them before they’re implemented!

Do you want employee referrals to be part of your hiring strategy?

Employee referrals are one of the best sources for hiring. Employee referrals are a great way to find candidates that fit with your company culture and are a good fit for the job.

Employees know other people who would be a good fit for your company, so it makes sense that they’d have some insight into what makes someone successful at work. By encouraging employees to refer people they know and trust, you’ll get more applicants than if you just posted jobs online or asked HR to send out emails asking if anyone knows any qualified candidates. Plus, when an employee recommends someone who ends up joining your team (and doing well), it shows that they’re invested in helping out their fellow workers–which will make everyone feel appreciated!

Do you want to grow your business with a workforce that thrives and remains engaged?

Your company culture is the foundation of your organization. It can be the difference between attracting and retaining top talent, or losing great employees to other companies with more appealing work environments. If you want to grow your business with a workforce that thrives and remains engaged, it’s important for you to understand how to create an effective company culture.

The benefits of having a healthy workplace environment are many: happier employees produce better quality work; they take fewer sick days; they’re more productive during those hours they’re actually present at work; they’re less likely to make mistakes due to stress or lack of focus (and therefore won’t cost the company money); they’re more likely stay with their current employer longer than someone who isn’t satisfied with their job situation overall (which means less turnover).

Do you want to attract and retain the best candidates possible for your business?

The fact is, company culture is important for attracting and retaining the best candidates. If you’re struggling to attract and retain top talent in your industry, it may be because of your company’s culture.

A good company culture is one that supports employee happiness–and that’s not just about perks like free lunches or happy hours (though these things can help). It’s about creating an environment where people feel valued by their coworkers and management team, enjoy their workdays, feel comfortable speaking up when they have ideas or suggestions for improvement–and ultimately want to stay at your organization long term.

Doing the correct thing is more important than just considering the benefits.

As I mentioned earlier, employees are more than just a number. They are individuals who should be respected and cared for.
You want them to feel important and like they are a part of something greater than themselves. Additionally, you want them to know that you value the work they do for the business. For this reason, it’s critical for employers to foster an environment where workers feel valued and appreciated by management.

Employee retention is another reason why companies should focus on creating a good workplace culture: according to Gallup’s 2016 State of the American Workplace Report (SOAR), only 30% of workers were engaged at work; another 17% were actively disengaged; while 52% were “not engaged” at all–meaning they’re either bored or unhappy enough with their job so as not even try anymore! This means there’s an opportunity here for companies who can create environments where people actually enjoy coming into work every day: if you can achieve this goal then not only will your company benefit financially by having fewer turnover costs but also because happy employees tend perform better overall than disgruntled ones do!


Company culture is more than just a trendy term; it can actually aid in the expansion of your company. In this article, we’ve provided you with some tips on how to create a healthy company culture and how it can benefit both employees and employers alike.

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